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Jacksonville Public Library Illinois FOIA Information

  1.     A brief description of the public body is as follows:
    A.    The library’s mission is to provide information resources to entertain, educate, enrich, and empower our patrons and our community.
    B.    The total amount of the library’s operating budget for FY2023 is:  $738,250.  Funding sources include property taxes and personal property replacement taxes, state and federal grants, fines, fees, and gifts.
    C.    The library is located at this address:  Jacksonville Public Library, 201 West College Avenue, Jacksonville, Illinois 62650.
    D.    The library employs the following number of persons:  7 full-time and 9 part-time.
    E.    The Jacksonville Public Library Board of Trustees exercises control over the library’s policies.  The board meets on the second Monday of each month at 5:00 pm in the library’s conference room.  The board members are Mary Fergurson, President; Kevin Eckhoff, Vice-President, Elizabeth Kennedy, Secretary; Laura Bandy, Noel Beard, Beth Capo, Lisa Haley, Forest Keaton, and Katie Weeks.
    F.    The library is required to be answerable for our operations to:  the City council of the City of Jacksonville and the Illinois State Library, Springfield, Illinois.  The State Library’s members are:  Secretary of State and State Librarian, Alexi Giannoulias; Director of the State Library, Greg McCormick, and various other staff.
  2.     You may request the information and records available to the public in the following manner:
    A.    Requests must be submitted in writing.  You may use the request form, but it is not required.
    B.    Your request should be directed to the library FOIA officer:  Jake Magnuson, Library Director.  If e-mailing, please send your requests to, and include FOIA in the subject line.
    C.    You must specify the records requested to be disclosed for inspection or to be copied.  If you desire that any record be certified, you must specify which ones.
    D.    To reimburse us our actual costs for reproducing and certifying (if requested) the records, you will be charged the following fees:  $.10 per page for employee copied records (first fifty (50) copies are free) and $1.00 per page for certification of records.
    E.    The library will respond to written requests within five (5) working days.  An extension of an additional five (5) days may be necessary to properly respond.
    F.    Records may be inspected or copied.  If inspected, an employee must be present through the inspection.
    G.    The place and times where records will be available are as follows:  Monday-Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Jacksonville Public Library, 201 West College Avenue, Jacksonville, Illinois 62650.
  3.     Certain types of information maintained by the library are exempt from inspection or copying.  However, the following types or categories of records are maintained under our control:
    A.    Monthly Financial Statements
    B.    Annual Receipts and Disbursement Reports
    C.    Annual Audits
    D.    Grant Files
    E.    Operating Budgets
    F.    Minutes of the Library Board of Trustee Meetings
    G.    Library Policies, including Materials Selection
    H.    Annual Reports to the Illinois State Library
    I.    Contracts and Bids